18 September 2024
The European Union's Better Regulation Agenda and Its Diffusion to Brazil
Natasha Schmitt
FGV Rio Law
Natasha Schmitt
On September 18 2024, the FGV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme, in partnership with the FGV Centre for Global Law, welcomed Professor Natasha Schimitt, Professor of Law in the Undergraduate Program, and permanent faculty member of the Graduate Program in Law and Regulation at FGV Rio Law.
At the event, Professor Natasha Schmitt delivered a comprehensive lecture on 'The European Union's Better Regulation Agenda and Its Diffusion to Brazil'. In Professor Natasha Schmitt's class, a significant focus was placed on discussing the approach into the existing EU legislative and regulatory decision-making.
The class was divided into two segments: the first focused on understanding the EU decision-making process, including the regulatory framework and internal steps, while the second addressed how Brazil has been managing the incorporation of regulatory policies originating from the European Union.
We would like to thank Professor Natasha Schmitt for discussing with us this very relevant and timely topic!