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Conference, Online

GEM-DIAMOND Annual Conference: Presentation of Individual Research Project: Legal Contestation on the Rule of Law and its Impact on EU Cooperation in Criminal Matters With Third Parties: EU-MERCOSUR (PhD fellow Benedetta Arrighini)

Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

On March 13 and March 14, 2023, Professor Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida attended the GEM-DIAMOND 2023 Annual Conference at the Institute d'Etudes Européennes from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. The annual conference was organised by professor Ramona Coman (GEM-DIAMOND Principal Investigator) and Frederik Ponjaert (GEM-DIAMOND Coordinator) and took place between March 13 and March 15.

GEM-DIAMOND stands for Globalisation, Europe & Multilateralism - Democratic Institutions, the rise of Alternative MOdels and mounting Normative Dissensus. It envisages a triple doctoral consortium of which the FGV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence is part alongside the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS).

The first day (March 13) included the Supervisory Board Academic and Management Agenda, with a Supervisory Board Meeting, a Conceptual Workshop and a Conceptual Roundtable, in which professor Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida also participated.

The second day (March 14) concerned Individual Research Project Presentations by each of the PhD fellows. The PhD fellow Benedetta Arrighini is jointly supervised by Professor Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida (FGV), Professor Anne Weyembergh (ULB) and Professor Rossella Sabia (LUISS). Benedetta presented her PhD project on the topic: "Legal Contestation on the Rule of Law and its Impact on EU Cooperation in Criminal Matters With Third Parties: EU-MERCOSUR". Benedetta's presentation was followed by comments addressed by Professor Anne Weyembergh and Professor Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida, among others.

The FGV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence is honoured to be part of the GEM-DIAMOND consortium and looks forward to future collaborative initiatives.

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