21 Feb 2024
Opening Lecture
Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida
FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School
Today, February 21, marks the beginning of the first edition of the RIO COURSE ON REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL DISPUTE SETTLEMEN (RIO CRIDS), organized by the FGV Centre of Excellence on EU-Latin America Global Challenges, co-funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program.
Professor Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida (FGV Law Rio), coordinator of the FGV Centre for Global Law and of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, welcomed the new students to the course and gave an insightful overview of the Centre's activities over the years.
The Rio CRIDS is a high-level multidisciplinary five-month intensive programme, aimed at promoting specialised education to prepare academics and practitioners to work with the regional and international dispute settlement before international courts and tribunals, international arbitration and conflict mediation, including the participation of the European Union in international courts and tribunals. The course aims to reach a wide-range audience composed of academics, legal practioners and experts, public administrators, civil society representatives, and the general public interested in the topics covered by the course.
The activities of the Rio School will be supported by Marynna Quirino and Ana Carolina Vasconcelos, researchers at the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence.