28 Feb 2024
Transnational Litigation
Fabiano Robalinho
FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School
Today, February 28th, Professor Fabiano Robalinho (FGV Direito Rio) was welcomed at the Rio Course on Regional and International Dispute Settlement (Rio CRIDS), an activity organised by the FGV Centre of Excellence on EU-Latin America Global Challenges, co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme.
His lecture on "Transnational Litigation" provided an explanation of Jurisdiction in the age of Globalization. Professor Fabiano Robalinho gave a comprehensive and concrete overview of competing jurisdictions. His lecture took into account not only the main theoretical points concerning parallel proceedings but also presented concrete cases involving transnational litigation.
The lecture was followed by an active participation of students who engaged in a debate about the challenges regarding transnational litigation.